Fossil Fish Digging in Wyoming
Photojournal report on a fossil hunt in Wyoming

The chamber of commerce sign at Kemmerer, located on Highway 30,
the quarries are all west of town about 4 miles as is the Fossil Butte
National Monument. Kemmerer has motels and food. It has been a very
wet and late spring and the quarries are just now opening up as it has been
snowing up until two weeks ago. Bring lots of warm clothing, elevation
is above 7,000 feet up!

The quarries in the area, about 5 or 8, all are at the top of the
hills. The formation is 50 million year old. The ancient lake here is
called "Fossil Lake". It was discovered by John C. Fremont, an Army
explorer in the early 1800's. There are more than 25 kinds of fish
fossilized in the Fossil Lake beds.

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